World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Stoneclaw Totem Spell

Ingame ID of Stoneclaw Totem spell is 5730.

Stoneclaw Totem tooltip
Stoneclaw Totem
Stoneclaw Totem (Rank 1
6% of base mana
Self only
30 sec cooldown
Summons a Stoneclaw Totem with 50 health at the feet of the caster for 15 seconds that taunts creatures within 8 yards to attack it. Enemies attacking the Stoneclaw Totem have a 50% chance to be stunned for 3 seconds. Stoneclaw totem also protects all your totems, causing them to absorb 21 damage.
Stoneclaw Totem additional info
DescriptionSummons a Stoneclaw Totem with 50 health at the feet of the caster for 15 seconds that taunts creatures within 8 yards to attack it. Enemies attacking the Stoneclaw Totem have a 50% chance to be stunned for 3 seconds. Stoneclaw totem also protects all your totems, causing them to absorb 21 damage.
Cost6% of base mana
rankRank 1
range0 yd range
cast timeInstant
cooldown30 seconds
duration15 seconds
effect #1: Summon - value: 50